Lynn in public II

Posted by: VW

Feb 8, 1998

p1545 Hi Zak and gang, I am inclosing a couple of pictures that I had already sent in, as well as a whole new group of pics. Some of the others are still on site under " public" so please post these as " public II". I have taken the liberty of using PSP to lighten them up so that, hopefully, when you post them they will look good, with whatever detail there is showing up on the post. If you think they are still kind of light, please feel free to make any changes you want to make them look better, if you have the time. I am resending..."flasttit" and flashtitO"...on my screen you can see the truck driver looking down into our car, but on the posts, they are to dark to see his face as he is looking at my wife. He was a black man, and that is most likly why he didn't come out to clear; also, these our two of the ones still listed on you voyeur section. Thanks for everything....keep up the good work!! Lynn and I BOTH enjoy your web site very much. These were taken outside with a Op 35mm and scanned by a company in Va. The pictures were taken over the last three years, in places where there were other people around us and in most cases, looking directly at my wife as I took the picture. I have lightened them up with PSP to increase the detail when they are posted. Thanks for giving us a chance to show off for soooooooo many people at sure beats flashing just a few in a bar, six or eight at an restarea, and the 15-20 truckers that she used to flash on a weekend. *grin* Best of luck in '98 Tom and Lynn

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